關於譚譚(譚爍) About Tan Tan (Tan Shuo)

Tan Shuo (12.2017, Denmark)


譚譚,本名譚爍。幼習鋼琴。1999~2003曾就讀於湖南師範大學,主修英文,兼修新聞。2006年率團赴美國參加國際鋼琴比賽,開始對藝術管理產生興趣。2010年赴歐洲深造藝術管理,並先後就讀於愛沙尼亞音樂與戲劇學院、芬蘭赫爾辛基藝術大學西貝柳斯音樂學院。2014年碩士畢業回國。2016年創立“譚譚演譯” 工作室,致力於以文字推廣表演藝術,曾參與的寫作項目包括:美國舊金山歌劇院《紅樓夢》中國巡演、芬蘭赫爾辛基巴洛克樂團中國巡演、丹麥綿羊302劇場實驗歌劇《玩偶》等。譚爍的中英雙語寫作主要以歌劇製作和劇院管理為主題,其文章及譯作時常發表於《歌劇》雜誌(上海歌劇院主辦月刊)、國際藝術管理網(創建於德國的藝術管理國際平臺)、以及其他中國本土媒體。

譚譚(譚爍)聯絡郵箱: shuo.tan @ hotmail.com

Tan Tan (Tan Shuo) played piano in her childhood and teenage years. She studied at Hunan Normal University from 1999 to 2003 with a major in English and a minor in journalism. Her interests extended to arts management after a trip to the United States in 2006 as the tour manager of a team for an international piano competition. In 2010 she pursued arts management study in Europe at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, and later at the Sibelius Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki, where she graduated in 2014 with a master’s degree. Tan Shuo founded TANTANYY Studio in 2016 and has been dedicated to promoting performing arts through writing since. The writing projects she engaged in include the China tour of Dream of the Red Chamber (a production by San Francisco Opera), the China tour of the Helsinki Baroque Orchestra, the experimental opera Dolls presented by Theatre Får302 in Denmark, etc. Tan Shuo writes in Chinese and English mainly on subjects of opera production and arts management. Her articles and translated works are regularly published by Opera (a monthly issued by Shanghai Opera House), Arts Management Network (a Germany-based international platform for arts management professionals), as well as other Chinese local media. 

Tan Tan (Tan Shuo) can be contacted via email:  shuo.tan @ hotmail.com

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